Beautiful skin forever
Wash twice a day with gel or foam with pH about 5-5.5. Such a means retains the protective barrier of the skin.
Be sure to take makeup off before bed.
Use cosmetics suitable for your skin type.
Use two different facilities for day and night care. During the day, it is better moisturizing, at night – nutritious.
Once or twice a week, cleanse the skin deeply with scrubs or peels.
Pay special attention to the area around the eyes: use special creams and serums marked “for the eyelids.”
Give preference to sunscreen cosmetics. In summer or in ski resorts, it is important to use special means with SPF of at least 30.
At the same time, it must be borne in mind that with age the skin changes. What you could do without at the age of 30 becomes an urgent need of 40. And moments that are not critical for 20 will be extremely important at 50.
- Do not forget to wash carefully in the evenings
Dry skin at a young age is infrequent, but normal with a tendency to fat – in a wide range. This is due to the high level of sex hormones Birth Control for Acne, a side effect of which is increased sebum production. With age, hormone levels, and with it the skin, normalize. But while you are young and hot, fat can become a problem: it is a wonderful breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria that cause inflammation and irritation.
To prevent the infection from breeding and spoiling your appearance, do not forget to wash off fat, dust and dirt accumulated on your face in a day. Of course, using the remedies for your skin type.
- Clean pores
Black dots – pores clogged with fat and mud – another common problem of youth. If cleaning is neglected, the pores stretch over time, and the skin becomes similar to the peel of an orange.
Deep cleaning of pores at home should be done at least once a week. This will be helped by special cleaning masks, which can be bought or made on your own.
If the skin is prone to acne, it is worth doing a manual or ultrasonic cleaning with a beautician once a month or two.
- Protect against ultraviolet light
Tan can look beautiful. But if it’s natural, it’s probably dangerous. Sun rays dry out, and ultraviolet damage collagen and elastin proteins, which are responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. The result is accelerated wilting (photo aging) of the face.
To prolong your youth, get used to using the means with SPF even at such a tender age. And if you care about chocolate, use autogas.
- Look after the skin under your eyes
The skin around the eyes is the thinnest and almost does not have a fat layer. That’s why she’s getting old first. Starting to look after these areas in adulthood is a common mistake. Experts recommend taking care of the skin condition around the eyes from the age of 18.
Use special moisturizing creams and nutrient patch masks. Wet compresses based on green tea and mint also maintain youth well.