Colds and flu: what is the difference?
Influenza (influenza) and colds are viral diseases that infect the upper respiratory tract of a person. In the case of a cold, the causative agent is the Rhinovirus virus, and in the case of influenza, the Influenza virus. Many believe that the pathogenesis of these diseases is very similar, but this is not entirely true. Next, let’s look at the main differences between a cold and the flu.
It is believed that the flu is carried by the human body much worse than a common cold, besides influenza can lead to complications in the form of pneumonia, bacterial infections and even death. Antiviral drugs are more effective if taken in the first 48 hours from the onset of the disease.
Both colds and flu can lead to pain in the ears. This is a consequence of inflammation of the ear tympanic membrane and the Eustachian tube (the channel connecting the throat and the middle ear cavity). The pain can be sharp, dull or expressed as a burning sensation.
Vaccination is considered to be one of the most effective ways to prevent influenza. The vaccine is made from the killed particles of the influenza virus, which are already harmless to the body and help to produce antibodies to fight the disease. In order to reduce the risk of colds and flu, it is necessary to try to follow the following rules: eat vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables to increase immunity, wash your hands after transport and the road, if possible, harden up and play sports to strengthen your health.