Eczema can be of different types, but they all have characteristic symptoms:
Reddened areas appear on the skin, often with swelling at the site of redness
Small bubbles and papules (nodules) of pinkish-red color appear on the skin, which form a rash
The skin in the place of eczema cracks, flakes off
In place of the burst bubbles, the erosion of the skin is clearly visible
The skin (and especially the places of redness and the appearance of bubbles) strongly, even unbearably, itches
At the site of the formation of bubbles and erosions, the skin “turns brown”, becomes inelastic
Over time, pustules – bubbles with cloudy contents may appear on the site of eczema
In places of eczema, dry crusts, scales and dry plates appear
Eczema appears most often on the fingers, neck, elbows, wrists, popliteal pits, on the legs. Although it can occur throughout the body.
As with other allergic dermatoses, eczema can appear, worsen, temporarily disappear (enter remission) and proceed in a weak state. During remission, you may not have symptoms of eczema at all, and remission may last for many years. But at any moment eczema can return.
Causes of eczema?
Eczema refers to multi-causal diseases – that is, it can be caused by both external factors and failures or diseases within the body itself. The root cause of eczema has not yet been identified, but the factors that provoke the appearance of eczema on the skin or cause its exacerbation are still established:
Endocrine disorders
Gastrointestinal diseases
Immune disorders
Genetic predisposition to the disease
Constant influence of irritating substances (for example, washing powders, detergents, chemicals in production, etc.)
Chronic inflammation
Infectious diseases
Taking medications
The influence of bacteria, fungi, parasites
Types of eczema
Eczema is distinguished by the reasons that triggered its development. Depending on this, eczema can be: seborrheic, professional, true, microbial, dyshydrotic, atopic, varicose.
How to identify eczema?
The only correct diagnosis can only be made by a doctor, so it is important to see a dermatologist if you suspect eczema. In addition to examining and collecting complaints, the doctor may also prescribe several different studies that will confirm and clarify the diagnosis:
Blood test – general and biochemical
Urine analysis
Immunological research
Allergological examination (if necessary)
Microbiological examination (if necessary)
If necessary, you may also need additional consultation with an allergist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, immunologist.
How to treat eczema?
The doctor prescribes eczema treatment to everyone individually, based on research data, the condition of the disease, its course. In the treatment of eczema, the treatment prescribed by related specialists is also taken into account.
It is necessary to relieve the patient from unpleasant sensations, feelings of constant itching, dryness and heat
Relieve inflammation and peeling
Prescribe treatment for the cause that triggered the development of eczema
Therefore, eczema therapy is carried out primarily by medication – with the help of anti-inflammatory, soothing, antibacterial, antipruritic, antihistamine and other drugs.
Physiotherapy treatment will not interfere with the treatment. Such therapy allows you to influence the affected areas, stimulating the processes of restoration of damaged tissues.
In addition, in the treatment of eczema, it is important to observe some principles:
It is necessary to eliminate the allergen that caused the appearance of eczema. For example, a cosmetic product, food, clothing allergen (wool or synthetic), a certain household chemicals, etc
For a certain period (it is determined by the doctor), most is assigned a hypoallergenic diet from the diet is recommended to exclude sweets, salty foods, citrus fruits, chocolate, fried and smoked, canned and pickled vegetables and fruits, spices, and alcohol. Preference is given to fermented milk and vegetable foods, low-fat boiled meat.
It is desirable to reduce the impact of stress and mental stress.
Hypoallergenic or pharmacy products are selected for personal hygiene.