How to remove cellulite at home
Every woman sooner or later notices an “orange peel” on her body. This is a feature of the female body – thanks to estrogens and the structure of fat cells, 95% of women develop cellulite during their lifetime, but this almost never happens in men.
But how to get rid of cellulite? Is there an opportunity to say goodbye to the “orange peel” forever? Is it possible to prevent the appearance of bumps?
Many women begin to struggle with the “orange peel” on the eve of summer, before vacation, when they want to show off on the beach in all its glory. Therefore, the question arises: how to get rid of cellulite in 2 weeks? Such a quick effect is achievable only in salons after two weeks of regular sessions on vacuum, anti-cellulite or hardware massage. In this case, the effect will be rapid, but not long-term.
At home, it will not be possible to remove ugly bumps so quickly, but if you completely change your lifestyle, eat right; exercise and do cellulite wraps and hand massage, then the result will definitely be positive and very long.
The local impact is to work out the problem areas. These are manual massage, dry massage with a hard brush, hardware massage with portable electric massagers, the use of scrubs.
The scheme of actions can be as follows:
- After a contrast shower, which perfectly tones the skin, you need to rub the problem areas with a hard scrub (for example, coffee, sugar or salt). This scrub can be done even at home. If you drink brewed coffee, then do not throw away the grounds, but use it as a scrub.
- After the scrub, apply an anti-cellulite cream or special oils with an anti-cellulite effect to the skin, and massage the skin. At first, gently and gently, gradually increasing the pressure and dispersing the lymph through the body.
Anti-cellulite creams actually have very low effectiveness and high cost. They do not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and cannot solve the problem radically.
Essential oils are quite able to replace cosmetics. They show even more efficiency. However, they cannot be applied to the skin in its pure form. Usually essential oils are diluted in a base oil.
For the base oil, you can use almond oil or hazelnut oil — they are perfect for fighting cellulite. From essential oils, it is better to choose orange, lemon, geranium, juniper, cypress or lavender oil. You can also use a special massage oil.
Rub this mixture into the skin, and then massage.
- After manual massage, proceed to dry massage with a stiff brush. It’s very effective. The skin after such a massage will turn red and will literally burn. But after 2-3 months, a noticeable result will be visible.
Instead of a rigid brush, you can use a portable electric massager.
- Cellulite wraps. This is a wonderful method. The procedure can be performed a couple of times a week. After a shower, scrub and massage, blue clay should be applied to the skin (it is the best in the fight against cellulite, as it restores connective tissue and breaks down fat cells) and wrap all areas with cling film, moving from bottom to top in a spiral.
On top of the film, you should put on warm shorts or pants and wrap yourself in a blanket for 20 minutes. After that, you can wash off the clay and enjoy smooth and healthy skin.