A variety of ingredients are used in modern cosmetics and care products. At the same time, sales leaders are increasingly becoming products that contain natural ingredients. Such cosmetics on the packaging usually contains the labels “nature”, “100% organic”, “bio” – which means “natural cosmetics” or “organic”. What are the benefits of these products and how do they differ from conventional cosmetics? Let’s sort it out in order.

Advantages of natural cosmetics

Products containing natural ingredients, unlike conventional cosmetics containing silicones, parabens and other synthetic additives, have a beneficial effect on the skin, revitalize it. Ordinary cosmetics most often just masks flaws and creates the “appearance” of healthy skin.

Natural cosmetics have a number of other advantages, namely:

  • A mild effect on the skin, without disturbing the acid-base balance, while maintaining a lipid protective barrier;
  • Eco-cosmetics is absolutely safe, does not contain dangerous substances;
  • Suitable for use at any age, there are a series of products specifically for baby care;
  • Not addictive;
  • Natural cosmetics do not harm the environment, are not tested on animals.

Natural ingredients, unlike synthetic ones, trigger the natural process of skin regeneration. As a result, the skin is restored and gets rid of various problems on its own.

Useful properties of natural ingredients in cosmetics

Cosmetics with natural components are quite expensive, since the costs of its production are much higher. Natural cosmetics use plant extracts, fruit acids, raw materials of animal origin, mineral ingredients, natural oils, natural or similar natural preservatives – citric acid, sorbic acid or salicylic acid. Let’s take a closer look at these components.

Essential oils

They belong to valuable components in natural cosmetics, have unique properties. For example, argan oil is the richest source of vitamin E, perfectly regenerates and rejuvenates the skin. And lemongrass essential oil will normalize the fat balance, tone the skin. Essential oils used in natural cosmetics are obtained from anise, lavender, geranium, bergamot, pine and other plants.

Vegetable oils

Modern cosmetology uses various oils, each of them has its own unique properties. The oils are produced by cold pressing, fruit seeds, seeds, grains, nut kernels, fruits are used for this.

Thanks to vegetable oils in the composition of care products, the skin retains moisture, does not dry out, it is protected from aggressive environmental influences. Traditionally, grape seed oil, olive, shea, almond, jojoba, wheat germ oil and others are used in natural cosmetics.

Components of animal origin

Cosmetics with natural components of animal origin are very popular. For example, anti-aging creams with snail slime extract, winter care cream with mink fat. Cosmetic preparations with honey, propolis, milk (goat, camel, etc.), fish caviar, quail eggs, royal bee milk and other components have proven themselves well.

Natural preservatives

Any cosmetic preparation has preservatives in its composition. Natural cosmetics are no exception. To combat pathogenic flora and prolong the shelf life of the product, manufacturers use preservatives of natural origin, such as:

  1. Wax, honey, propolis. These substances have bactericidal properties.
  2. Alcohol of vegetable origin – ethanol obtained from wheat, fruits, berries, potatoes, sugar cane.
  3. Plant extracts – yarrow, elecampane, ginseng, St. John’s wort, tea, eucalyptus and other plants.
  4. Essential oils – cedar, tea tree, geranium oil, etc.
  5. Organic acids – glycolic, citric, stearic, salicylic, palmitic.

In conclusion

Natural ingredients in cosmetics have an intense effect on the processes occurring in the skin. It is necessary to select such products taking into account individual characteristics, for example, the presence of allergies to any component (honey, milk, etc.). Give preference to preparations with phytosterols (contained in oils), with plant extracts, collagen, peptides, minerals, taking into account the needs of the skin. To do this, consult with a cosmetologist.

But you should not expect an instant effect from ecological cosmetics, the effect of such cosmetics is based on the cumulative effect. The skin returns to its natural state gradually, with the systematic use of cosmetics with natural ingredients. The results will be noticeable in a few weeks, and for someone after a few months of using.