In an era when ladies after 30 were considered old women, Diana de Poitiers (1499-1566) was able to fall in love with King Henry II of Valois of France (1519-1559). At that time she was 27 years old, she did not drink alcohol and was against a heavy morning meal. By the age of sixty, she was in no way inferior to the young ladies of the court. The secrets of beauty and health of this woman allowed her to look great for the rest of her days.

Secrets of beauty and health

The Empress of France, Josephine de Beauharnais (1763-1814), the first wife of Napoleon I, drank lemon nectar added to pure water daily before the morning meal. So harmful substances were excreted, which contributed to the rejuvenation of the body.

The secrets of beauty and health of the ancient beauties of Japan, who had a beautiful figure from birth, consisted in daily nutrition with seafood, healthy cereals. A vegetable diet helped them keep their bodies in better shape.

However, modern Japanese women carefully monitor their nutrition, which is filled with components of plant origin. The secrets of women’s beauty and health in this country have been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times.

Japanese girls use exclusively vegetable fats contained in various oils and ingredients purified from impurities. Harmful to the body products, as a rule, are compensated by soy, fresh fruits and vegetables.

What is proper nutrition?

The most important secret of a woman’s beauty, health, and youth is a healthy and balanced diet. What is he like? Which products are included in it, which are prohibited? Let’s consider a few principles of proper nutrition:

  • the balance in the use of food is a small portion volume filled with essential vitamins, minerals and substances of the diet;
  • minimal amount of dyes and preservatives, the ability to cook healthy food;
  • balance in the frequency of eating — 4-5 times, mandatory breakfast, last meal — no later than 6 pm, fasting day;
  • oddly enough, an important secret of beauty and health is stimulating yourself to get satisfaction and pleasant emotions from eating;
  • daily use of filtered water, as well as green tea, which is very useful for removing toxins from the body;
  • exclusion of flour products, fatty sauces, fried dishes, sweet soda and other harmful substances from the diet.

As an illustrative example, the diet of Hollywood star Demi Moore can be cited. It is her main secret of beauty and health. Looking at the actress, it’s hard to believe that she’s almost 55! Demi Moore’s morning meal consists of fried eggs and toast, vegetable and fruit slicing. At noon — only products of the legume family and fresh herbs.

The lunch meal consists of boiled meat or fish, as well as vegetable slicing. Evening meal — boiled rice grits, soy sauce, herbs and steamed carrots. The actress’ drinking diet includes filtered water, green tea, fruit or berry smoothies. Harmful ingredients have been replaced with dried fruits and honey nectar.

It is possible to prevent aging by adhering to the secrets of beauty and health of ancient beauties.

So, it is very important to protect the skin from sunlight, as it accelerates the aging process. Chinese girls and women solved this problem very simply — they walked with umbrellas in hot weather and fanned themselves with fans, allowing the skin to “breathe” oxygen more.