In spring and summer, children grow 3 times faster than from August to December
This fact was established by scientists from Britain. The results of their research showed that in the period from March to August, children grow three times more than from September to December.
The first tree that pleases with flowering is sakura
Sakura’s homeland is Japan. However, today her magical flowers can be seen in different parts of the world, including Ukraine. Large pink inflorescences of Japanese cherries make the cities incredibly beautiful. It seems that the streets and alleys are floating in pink clouds.
The cuckoos return in mid-April
In the old days, the arrival of this bird was a sign of spring. For many peoples, this is a sacred bird – the embodiment of the soul and a predictor of the future.
March 20 is the day of the vernal equinox
It is this day that is considered the arrival of astronomical spring. On March 20, day and night continue for the same period of time throughout the Earth, with the exception of the poles. In addition, the Sun rises strictly in the east and sets strictly in the west.
The largest number of tornadoes occurs in the spring months
In spring, tornadoes and tornadoes shake the Earth 5 times more often. It is noteworthy that most of them take place during the day. Scientists attribute this to the restructuring of the planet’s biological clock from winter to summer time.
In spring, plants awaken in accordance with a special biological clock
A tree branch cut in March and standing in the water in a well-lit place will sprout. However, if this is done in November, the twig will remain dead. This is because trees have a special mechanism that helps them recognize the time of awakening. It is oriented to the length of daylight.
Bees are less aggressive in spring than at other times of the year
Honey bees start swarming in the spring. It is noteworthy that at this time the insects are more calm and friendly.
People breathe 3 times more often in spring than in autumn
In comparison with the rest of the time, the human respiratory rate increases 3 times in spring. Usually, a person takes up to a thousand breaths per hour, and in the spring months – much more. Scientists explain this by the fact that the body has been in conditions of oxygen starvation for many winter months and is now striving to recover. Awakening plants release more oxygen, and the lungs begin to work with increased intensity.